Aliko & Ambai

Aliko & Ambai is a feature film about two young women facing the Aliko & Amba ko & Ambai is a feature film about two yo
challenges of growing up in the beautiful Eastern Highlands of Papua hallenges of growing up in the beautiful East es of growing up in the beautifu
New Guinea. The challenges are significant: tribal conflict, poverty, ew Guinea. The challenges are significant: trib uinea. The challenges are significant
bullying, domestic violence,and forced marriage. Aliko struggles to bullying, domestic violence,and forced marriage ying, domestic violence,and force
complete her education and Ambai searches to escape her abusive complete her education and mplete her education and Ambai searches to
home and reunite with her biological father. They navigate the many home and reunite with h and reunite with her biological father. T
obstacles in their lives and endeavour to build brighter futures for obstacles in their lives and endeavour to obstacles in their lives and endeavour to build b
themselves, supported by the strength of friendship.

Duration 1 Hour 42 Minutes
Language Tok Pisin
Year 2017
Indigenous Nation Arufa Village and Bena

Director Mark Eby and Diane Anton