We’re supporting rangatahi in Ōtaki and the Horowhenua-Kāpiti Coast to become the creative tech leaders of the future.
Ki te kāhore he whakakitenga ka ngaro te iwi.
Through training, mentorship, and industry-led opportunities M.A.T.C.H is a pathway for rangatahi to high-value careers as the producers, developers and thought-leaders of the future.
The Māoriland Tech Creative Hub – M.A.T.C.H is a creative space for rangatahi to use and unleash their creative thinking and problem-solving skills to develop and build creative solutions for our future.
M.A.T.C.H is developed around a tuakana-teina model for rangatahi to work collaboratively, is Indigenous-led and STREAMS focussed – science, technology, reading, entrepreneurial, arts, mathematics, and sustainability. This approach recognises the importance of Indigenous knowledge when working towards an innovation-focused future society.
For rangatahi in years 7 – 10
Learn about creative technology, develop technological practice and knowledge.
Play-based learning designed to complement the digital technologies curriculum
For rangatahi in NCEA levels 1 – 3
Develop skill in a specific creative technology such as animation, game and app development and virtual and augmented reality to produce a creative project.
Project based learning designed to fulfill NCEA requirements
For rangatahi not in education or employment aged 18 – 24
Six week full time course followed by 10 week paid industry placement
Industry-led training to develop key skills in a given creative technology.
The World Economic Forum names creativity as number three in the top ten skills you need to thrive in this time of change – ‘the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
Creative training future-proofs rangatahi to be adaptive thinkers and entrepreneurs able to carve out their own careers and adapt to a rapidly changing work environment.
Creative + technology entrepreneurs can run global businesses from their own homes or communities.
M.A.T.C.H has been designed to provide an early entry for our rangatahi Māori into the creative tech industries. It is industry aligned so that participants in the programme train in an industry ready framework, adaptive to whatever the future may bring.
If you’re a rangatahi Māori aged 18 – 24 – we are looking for participants for the M.A.T.C.H Intensifier NOW!!!!
Up to 10 rangatahi Māori will be selected. You need to be committed and self motivated. You don’t need to be a flash artist but you do need to show us your keenness for trying new things creatively. Most importantly you must be able to commit to the full six week training period and the 10-week industry placement!
M.A.T.C.H Kura Takawaenga and Wharekura is delivered in collaboration with schools. If you’re a teacher or rangatahi wanting to participate in M.A.T.C.H Kura Takawaenga or Wharekura, contact us at the link below for more information.