He taonga tuku iho tēnei, te whakatō whenua. Whakapiri mai ki a Tungane Kani, he tapuhi Māori, kia hangaia he ipu whenua hei waka huia mō te tikanga nei. He mahi kōmiri uku tēnei.
Tungane Kani is a Māori midwife who will be sharing her knowledge around the ancestral tikanga of ipu whenua. You will also have the opportunity to shape some clay into an ipu whenua for you and your whānau.
He taonga tuku iho tēnei, te whakatō whenua. Whakapiri mai ki a Tungane Kani, he tapuhi Māori, kia hangaia he ipu whenua hei waka huia mō te tikanga nei. He mahi kōmiri uku tēnei.
Tungane Kani is a Māori midwife who will be sharing her knowledge around the ancestral tikanga of ipu whenua. You will also have the opportunity to shape some clay into an ipu whenua for you and your whānau.
Rēhita mai ki [email protected].
Registrations are essential. E-mail [email protected] to register your interest.
Ōtaki, Wellington 5512 New Zealand + Google Map