NATIVE Minds – hosted by Tainui Stephens – is a series of interactive discussions that examine how Indigenous thinking shapes our existence, and our view of the world.
NATIVE MINDS responds to issues in our community, in NZ and globally.
Take a look at our past NATIVE Minds korero below – available to watch on demand.
NATIVE Minds: Matariki
with Professor Rangi Mātāmua
Throughout the country our eyes will be turned up to the night sky and our minds tuned into the promise of this year’s Matariki theme: Matariki kāinga hokia – ‘Matariki calls you home’. We talk of the power of Matariki in Aotearoa today – and of the pushback from some who have a less inclusive view of the promise of Matariki.
NATIVE Minds: Huakina!
Natalie Jones, Louie Zalk Neale & Melanie Tangaere Baldwin
“Huakina! Huakina! Huakina te tatau o Matariki e” is a call for artists who approach their work with a creative vision and socially provocative intent. Artists of all disciplines face daunting new calls to action – even from artificial intelligence that is now moving into the creative space.
NATIVE Minds: Maramataka & Climate Change
Pou Arahi, Francene Weneti & Meretini Bennett Huxtable
The realms of Papatūānuku and Ranginui are under threat from the headlong rush of human societies across the globe to pursue economic growth at all costs – as if that alone will solve the many problems that threaten our existence. Indigenous attitudes towards our environment may be the last best chance we have to save ourselves.
NATIVE Minds: Innovation!
Ngapera Riley
In a post-covid world of increasingly serious issues for humankind, we seek new ways of being indigenous. Our environment, our housing, our cultural and social development require innovation to function in order for the people to survive. One of the threats to te ao Māori is disinformation and the loss of control of our data. We need a new spirit of innovation to protect sustainable inter-generational growth.
NATIVE Minds: Language Keepers
Anne Lajla Utsi, Zoe Hopkins & Joe Pihema
A language can be lost in only one generation. It takes at least three generations to revive one. Native Minds speaks with Indigenous language keepers from three nations. Each has committed to revitalising their mother tongue and passing it on to the next generation and beyond. A native mind is best expressed through his or her own native tongue.
NATIVE Minds: The Doctors
Dr. Hinemoa Elder & Dr. Emma Espiner
GP’s, medical centres and hospitals are the first port of call for most people who need physical repair. The medical system has failed Māori for decades, and Pākehā still live longer lives. Māori doctors are healers who understand and use the best western traditions of medicine and who often explore beyond that. These health professionals with their own Native Minds are set to exert radical reform from within, and outside the system.
NATIVE Minds: Disconnection & Discovery
Aaron Smale & Kim McBreen
During the last half of the 20th century, the New Zealand government determined the lives of scores of thousands of Māori children, who they deemed to be at risk. Many of them were put into State Care where habitual abuse was a normal part of an oppressive culture. Many others were adopted to strangers who loved them and cared for their physical needs, but who couldn’t provide them with connections to their roots. The physical and emotional costs of such sanctioned torment are being revealed through the Abuse In Care Royal Commission of Inquiry. The survivors of State and Church-based care are now telling their stories. What happened in New Zealand was little different in intent to the Residential Schools of Canada and the Stolen Generations of Australia. Wherever Colonisation has sought to deny the humanity of Indigenous people, the native mind has worked to reveal the injustice, and insist we do something about it.
NATIVE Minds: The Infodemic
Meihana Durie
We are seeing more and more that these phenomena have been weaponised by the internet and the malignant motives of bigots. How can we guard against the apparent psychological and emotional damage here in Aotearoa?