Tama Kaiātea
He whai mātātoa
ki aorangi kē
A sci-fi movie for the whole whānau in te reo Māori!

About the Film
When their spaceship begins to destruct Wiremu and his whānau are separated and Wiremu finds himself ejected in one emergency capsule while his parents escape in another. When his capsule lands on an unexplored planet, Wiremu and robot Paki befriend a kooky alien Hiko. Together they adventure through the wildly mysterious planet, discovering its creatures, its beauty and its dangers!
He Paki Taketake is excited to present TAMA KAIĀTEA (Astro Kid). Originally a French animated feature film that has been reversioned into te reo Maori at the Maoriland Hub.
A fun adventure on a distant planet!
How to watch
Schools & Community Groups
For Mahuru Māori, Māoriland Productions is making Tama Kaiātea available to schools and community organisations by koha.
To make a booking, contact [email protected]
Once confirmed, you will receive a private link to stream Tama Kaiātea.
You will need a steady internet connection to view the film.
Commercial Bookings
Business, cinema or private commercial screenings of the film can be arranged by emailing [email protected]
Matanga Reo
Hēni Jacob
Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Porou
He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Raukawa, nō Ngāti Porou anō hoki. Kua rua tekau tau neke atu a Hēni e tuhi ana, e whakamāori ana, e whakatika ana i ngā momo rauemi reo Māori huhua noa. He papakupu, he punakupu, he pukapuka kīwaha, he pukapuka whakaako reo ētahi o ngā mea kua takoto i a ia. Ko te nuinga o āna mahi, kei te ao mātauranga, engari he paku nei tana whāwhā i te ao pouaka whakaata, (he whakamāori motuhenga, he mahi tahi anō hoki ki ētahi atu ki te waihanga i te hōtaka Ihumanea mā Cinco Cine, Māoriland Productions), me te minamina o tana ngākau ki te takahi tonu i tēnei ara nui e ora ai, e ora ake ai te reo Māori.
Hēni has spent over 20 years writing, translating and editing a wide variety of Māori language resources. She has written or co-written a number of dictionaries, glossaries, books on Māori idiom and Māori teaching texts. Whilst the bulk of her work has been in the education sector, she has dabbled in the world of television (translating a number of documentaries into Māori, and co-producing Ihumanea for Cinco Cine, Māoriland Productions), and is keen to work further in this medium that has such a powerful role to play in the retention and revitalization of the Māori language
Clayton Cook
Te Kiwa Goddard

William Hemana Lockwood
Te Arawa, Ngāti Pikiao
Rotorua boy William Lockwood started his te reo Māori journey as a toddler. Tama Kaiātea is his first professional performing role.

Te Puaheiri Snowden

Te Ākauroa Jacob

Aree Kapa