Sápmi, January 2020 Despite being hella nervous, facilitating the workshop in Inari and being able to work alongside the Sámi rangatahi to tell their story, with our tools yet through […]
Oriwa Hakaraia
Sápmi, January 2020 Going to Finland was the opportunity of a lifetime. I met so many amazing people, and learnt more about the Sámi culture. Working alongside Venla and Iia […]
Kate Penese
Sápmi, January 2020 ~Tuutawa te mauri o te whenua Tuutawa te mauri o te wai He kahuu piitongatonga Hei raupii waiuu tangata Whenua~ Big mihi to ‘Māoriland, Through our Lens’ […]
Luke Moss
Sápmi, January 2020 Ka tau haa, ka whakatau haa te poo e tuu nei, Ka tau haa, ka whakatau haa te huka e takato nei, Ka tau ha, ka whakatau […]