Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 February, aspiring storytellers aged 12 – 24 are invited to take part in the first of the E Tū Whānau Rangatahi Filmmaking Workshop for 2022.
In the FREE two day workshop participants will make short films about what it means to be a young person in Ōtaki. They will then present their films for friends and whānau at 6pm on the evening of Sunday 6th February.
E Tū Whānau Rangatahi Film Workshop 10 am – 4 pm Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 February
So that we can safely welcome you into our whare, we ask the following;
You must have a valid Vaccine Pass to attend. All visitors to the Māoriland Hub and our team must sign in using the Government Tracing App. If you do not have a smartphone, we have a sign-in box for visitors to use. If you have any symptoms of cold/flu or COVID-19, if you’re awaiting a COVID-19 test result or have been asked to self-isolate please stay home. Symptoms include: Cough; Sore throat; Runny nose; Sneezing; Shortness of breath; Fever; Body aches; Loss of smell; Headache All visitors to the Māoriland Hub must wear a mask.
10 am – 4 pm
Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 February
Ōtaki, Wellington 5512 New Zealand + Google Map