Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 February, aspiring storytellers aged 12 – 24 are invited to take part in the first of the E Tū Whānau Rangatahi Filmmaking Workshop for 2022. In the two day workshop participants will make short films about what it means to be a young person in Ōtaki. They will then present their films for friends and whānau at 6 pm on the evening of Sunday 6th February.
Are you a keen gardener or wanting to put your hands in the soil?
In the Māoriland Maara, Kaitiaki Parakore Elishka Graham and Tania Hakaraia will host a Working Bee, Seed and Produce Swap. This event is an opportunity to regroup after a hot summer break.
Māoriland Maara Working Bee, Seed & Produce Swap 4 pm – 6 pm Saturday 5 February
Experience Te Ringa Māhorahora
Come and enjoy some of the finest weaving work in Aotearoa at Māoriland Hub’s Toi Matarau gallery. Te Ringa Māhorahora showcases the work of Māoriland’s inaugural Ngā Aho Whenua Weavers with artists Sonia Snowden and Pip Devonshire. The exhibition connects threads of excellence with the innovative raranga created by the featured weavers. The challenges of COVID transformed and opened artists up to unexpected discoveries. ‘Hine Te Iwaiwa’ in the context of today is daring and bold, and creates new stories about time, space and reality.
Ngā Aho Whenua – Te Wharepora
10 am – 2 pm Saturday 5 Feb – Sunday 6 Feb
Tai Ki Uta Mural – from the mountains to the sea.
Add your creative touch to the fenceline mural that encompasses our beautiful kainga of Ōtaki from the Tararua to the Moana. Join us at the back at the hub ready to paint !
10 am – 1 pm Saturday 5 Feb – Sunday 6 Feb
All events are free to attend. You must have a Vaccine Pass and mask to enter the Māoriland Hub.
Staying Safe during COVID-19
As we navigate the changing situation, the following rules and regulations are outlined for your reassurance in upcoming events. We are taking the health response to the pandemic seriously to protect and care for our community and outline the following measures.
All kaimahi at Māoriland are vaccinated.
We will have hand sanitiser available at the front and back door and wherever refreshments are served. We practice good hygiene including washing our hands and cleaning high-use surfaces.
We are keeping a 1 metre distance between visitors to the Māoriland Hub and kaimahi at all times.
All kaimahi will wear appropriate masks when facing the public.
So that we can safely welcome you into our whare, we ask the following;
You must have a valid Vaccine Pass to attend these events.
All visitors to the Māoriland Hub and our team must sign in using the Government Tracing App. If you do not have a smartphone, we have a sign-in box for visitors to use.
If you have any symptoms of cold/flu or COVID-19, if you’re awaiting a COVID-19 test result or have been asked to self-isolate please stay home. Symptoms include: Cough; Sore throat; Runny nose; Sneezing; Shortness of breath; Fever; Body aches; Loss of smell; Headache
All visitors to the Māoriland Hub must wear a mask.
Please sanitise your hands using the hand sanitiser we have provided.
A final important comment. The values and functions of Māoriland are derived from cornerstone principles of celebration, unity, being alert, and respecting the mana of every person and taonga in our whare. We ask that manuwhiri and visitors alike respect the mana of all who you may encounter, in return. Tēnā koutou.
This Waitangi weekend, immerse yourself in the arts at the Māoriland Hub.
10 am – 4 pm
Saturday 5 – Sunday 6 February
4 pm – 6 pm
Saturday 5 February
Saturday 5 Feb – Sunday 6 Feb
Saturday 5 Feb – Sunday 6 Feb
All events are free to attend. You must have a Vaccine Pass and mask to enter the Māoriland Hub.
Ōtaki, Wellington 5512 New Zealand + Google Map