Support Māoriland Charitable Trust this Christmas
Each March, Māoriland Film Festival brings the world of Indigenous cinema to Ōtaki for five days of screenings workshops, art exhibitions and special events.
The sixth annual Māoriland Film Festival will run from March 20 – 24 2019.
Over the past five years, MFF has grown exponentially to be the largest international Indigenous film festival in the Southern Hemisphere welcoming over 12,500 attendees in March 2018.
MFF2019 will see the festival grow once again with a number of filmmakers travelling from across Te Moananui a Kiwa to share their stories.
As our offering grows, so too grow our costs.
Since our first year, MFF has been supported by a number of individuals and organisations big and small – we couldn’t have got to where we are without these supporters and the same is true for 2019.
Supporters for MFF2019 are warmly invited – scroll down for ways that you can get involved.

Māoriland Charitable Trust is now on Givealittle. This page will operate year-round to receive small one-off and ongoing online donations.
A steady stream of small donations can make a big difference. Donating just $15 a fortnight adds up to $390 over a year! When using Givealittle Plan to make payroll giving donations, a tax credit of 33% is automatically applied, meaning there’s no admin to do at the end of the tax year. This means if you donate $15, only $10 will be deducted from your pay or credit card. More information is available here:

This year we are inviting supporters to sponsor a screening. Each screening is unique and special as filmmakers pour their talent and experiences into their work. Many filmmakers travel from all over the globe to present their stories.
Screening sponsors will have an opportunity to speak prior to the screening, to add marketing material to filmmaker and industry bags, to have their logo included in the pre-screening sponsor slide show and print marketing material (deadline for print marketing Jan 15) and acknowledgement on our social media platforms.

The journey to Māoriland Film Festival can be a long one as filmmakers travel from as far abroad as Northern Europe and North America to share their work. It’s a huge opportunity for them to network, gain new relationships and new experiences – while our audiences benefit from insider knowledge during Q&As and presentations. Transportation and accommodation is a significant cost for the MFF.
Help to offset the cost of travel and sponsor a filmmaker.

In 2019 Māoriland Charitable Trust will open M.A.T.C.H – the Māoriland Tech Creative Hub at the Māoriland Hub in Ōtaki.
It will be the first of its kind in Ōtaki and the Kāpiti Coast – a space for rangatahi to gain hands-on experience using creative technology to create and innovate.
M.A.T.C.H is being supported by the Vodafone Foundation, Ministry of Youth Development, Todd Foundation and Te Puni Kōkiri. The last piece of the puzzle is the technology itself – none of our funding to date can be used to purchase computers.
We need to buy 10 high spec. computers for M.A.T.C.H to open. Can you help us out?

Your time is invaluable to us! During the MFF we will need the support of our Kaitūao to look after our manuwhiri, sell tickets, man the doors at our venues and more. If you are available in March to volunteer for the MFF 2019, please get in contact. We will need assistance all month.
To register your interest, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line Kaitūao 2019. Please be sure to include a contact phone number, your availability and a little bit about yourself.
To everyone who has supported us – whether you’ve attended an event or sponsored the festival or the Māoriland Hub in the past, thank you.
We wish you all a joyful holiday season and hope to see you all at the Māoriland Hub in the New Year.
Ngā mihi nui,
Maddy de Young
Māoriland Film Festival Co-ordinator
[email protected]