Meri Kirihimete from Māoriland
Ka harikoa, ka menemene
Ko Hineraumati, ko Tane Rore
Koi nei te wā o te Aroha
Meri Kirihimere whānau mā
Meri Kirihimete tātou mā
Meri Kirihimete me te Hape Nū Ia mai Māoriland

It’s been an amazing 12 months since last Xmas with many, many highlights for the Māoriland whānau. We’ve made films across Aotearoa and in Fiji and Canada, we’ve hosted incredible filmmakers, artists, actors and musicians and we have celebrated with our Matariki Ramaroa – Lighting the Beacons Festival as well as our 9th Māoriland Film Festival. We’ve shown our films at film festivals in Aotearoa, Canada and Hawaii and developed our slate of projects at Māoriland Productions.

We’ve seen the talents grow in our MATCH animators and in our Ngā Pakiaka filmmaking rangatahi as well as for tamariki in our weekly acting and dance classes. Our maara is thriving and we’ve enjoyed being able to share kai with our community with Kaibosh Tuesdays. Toi Matarau is full of stunning authentic work of Māori and Indigenous artists and Te Waka Rākau supports hauora through Rongoā Māori.

We are proud of our community of Ōtaki and look forward to returning in 2023 for our 10th Māoriland Film Festival.
Kia noho haumaru koutou katoa, tae ana ki a koutou e patu ana i ngā rori i ngā hararei nei, kia āta haere. Kia hāneanea hoki tā koutou noho tahi ki ō koutou whānau. Mā te wā.